Research center

Social Innovation Lab Kyrgyzstan

About SILK
Social Innovation Lab Kyrgyzstan (SILK) is a faculty initiative within the Division of Social Sciences at the American University of Central Asia. The primary goal of SILK is to engage in socially significant projects in Kyrgyzstan and develop innovative solutions to social problems. SILK is a platform from which faculty members design and implement research and civic engagement projects across a very broad spectrum of topics.

Explore our latest endeavors
Creating public spaces through the efforts of city residents
Workshops June 17-21
Urban Maps of Memory
On the new spaces and design of mosques in Bishkek, Tashkent and Almaty
Studying and mapping employment opportunities for women living in non-legalized new settlements in Bishkek and Osh
Unique online and mobile platform for creating and visualizing the city performance
Spatial Mapping and Urban Analysis
Developing the Blue and Green Vision for the City
The study of physical forms and conditions and of the social use of Bishkek Rivers
Aaly Tokombaev Street 7/6, room 315, American University of Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan 720060
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