Naryn urban resilience program

Schedule of workshops June 17-21
Dear residents of the city of Naryn,

On behalf of the NURP team (Naryn Urban Resilience Program), we invite you to a unique series of trainings titled Naryn Social Innovations for Resilience. Especially for you, we have invited Bishkek SILK team ( to share with you their unique experience and knowledge about the study and improvement of public spaces in Bishkek.

SILK is the Social Innovation Lab of Kyrgyzstan, established at the American University of Central Asia (AUCA) in 2020 by the faculty, researchers and active residents of Bishkek to work on socially important research and urban development projects.

Our goal is to pass on valuable knowledge and help you unlock your creative potential to become active participants in the process of beautification and greening of the city of Naryn to improve its sustainability and resilience.

If you love your city and consider yourself a patriot of your small homeland, which deserves the brightest and most beautiful future, we invite you to register for our trainings and workshops at this link:

Schedule, training topics and speakers:
June 17, Monday
Naryn Social Innovations for Resilience

15.00–18.00 with a short break for tea and refreshments, UCA conference room on the 3rd floor
  • Dr. Madina Junussova
    Dr Madina Junussova is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Public Policy and Administration and an Urban Development Lead for GSD, as well as a CERGE-EI Foundation Teaching Fellow, (Czech Republic).

    Introduction to urban resilience
  • Dr. Emil Nasritdinov
    Director, SILK, Associate Professor, urban planning and design, American University of Central Asia
    SILK's experience in research and activism for urban resilience: what can small cities do?
  • Active residents of Naryn
    Together with NURP and SILK teams
    Brainstorming session on the creation of NSIR
    Opportunities for cooperation and establishment of the Naryn Social Innovation Laboratory for landscaping and gardening of the city's public spaces, increasing the city's resilience through wide application of nature-oriented solutions.
June 18 – Tuesday
Building resilient ecosystems and applying nature-based solutions to enhance urban resilience
15.00–19.00 with a short break for tea and refreshments, UCA conference room on the 3rd floor
  • Dr. Madina Junussova
    Dr Madina Junussova is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Public Policy and Administration and an Urban Development Lead for GSD, as well as a CERGE-EI Foundation Teaching Fellow, (Czech Republic).
    Introduction to building resilient ecosystems and applying nature-based solutions for urban resilience
  • Stanislav Dalidchik
    Expert in urban planning and community engagement SILK
    Contemporary urbanism: How urban planning projects work
  • Dmitrii Pereyaslavskii
    Ecologist, botanist and landscaping expert of the PF "Archa Initiative"
    Uniqueness of urban greening in the mountainous regions of Kyrgyzstan
  • Barchynbek Aiypov
    Ecologist and agricultural engineer from Naryn. He is one of the very few local environmental experts in the region
    Ecosystem services of riparian forest along Naryn river
June 19, Wednesday,
GIS mapping as a tool for urban resilience
15.00–19.00 with a short break for tea and refreshments, UCA conference room on the 3rd floor
  • Evgenii Shibkov
    A research fellow at the UCA Mountain Communities Research Institute, focusing on geographic information systems (GIS) research
    GIS capabilities to assess the natural potential of the city as well as the socio-economic infrastructure
  • Talgat Dzhumashev
    GIS specialist, researcher at SILK
    Using GIS to analyze urban development
  • Stanislav Dalidchik
    Expert in urban planning and community engagement SILK
    Google MyMaps: Creating interactive maps
June 20, Thursday
Aesthetic and cultural resilience of cities
15.00–19.00 with a short break for tea and refreshments, UCA conference room on the 3rd floor
  • Dr. Madina Junussova
    Dr Madina Junussova is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Public Policy and Administration and an Urban Development Lead for GSD, as well as a CERGE-EI Foundation Teaching Fellow (Czech Republic).
    Introduction to aesthetic and cultural resilience of cities
  • Ulan Dzhaparov
    Architect, painter, sculptor and visionary
    Art outside of galleries: Creative interventions into urban public spaces
  • Aibek Mailybashov
    Architect, researcher and artist
    Artistic practices and Naryn motives
Contact us:

Phone: +996998654007
Social networks: Facebook | Instagram
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