Industrial Zones of bishkek
Glorious Past, Current Conditions and Future Trends

Jamilya Baiborieva and Ulan Gabdushev
Poverty is a global problem found in modern society. In different communities, it manifests itself in different ways. The goal of this research project was to map poverty in Bishkek keeping the unique context of the capital in mind. It includes establishing a methodology for classifying low-income people according to official economic measures, and for locating where people live in ways that can be updated periodically. During the conduct of the study, both experts and people affected by poverty gave the interview. Also, researchers focused on poverty concentration points - they tried to understand where urban poor live, and the accessibility of the basic resources they use such as grocery stores and shelters nearby. The results of the research were alternative methods of studying urban poverty with the potential for a deeper and more holistic understanding of the problem in the circumstances of Bishkek. The tools suggested can be used by politicians, government agencies, other researchers, and international organizations to ensure the distribution of parks, safe public spaces, and other public resources near where the people affected by poverty live.
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