ARAket 2:

Studying and mapping employment opportunities for women living in non-legalized new settlements in Bishkek and Osh

Emil Nasritdinov, Talgat Dzhumashev, Jamilya Baiborieva and Center Evidence Central Asia
This research was conducted as a part of the project titled "Araket: For Better Living in New Settlements in Kyrgyzstan". The purpose of the study was to explore employment opportunities for women living in legalized new settlements in Bishkek and Osh and to develop recommendations for the next few years of the project implementation.

The research was conducted by our team in partnership with Evidence Central Asia. It was carried out in three stages. In the first stage, the distances that women in new buildings are willing to travel from home to work were determined. Based on these distances, areas around the new settlements were identified for mapping businesses. In the second step, all the businesses in these areas (total of 3377) were mapped and categorized. In the third stage, a sample of 450 businesses (150 businesses in each territory) was drawn from these to conduct a survey. We then generated main conclusions and recommendations on the basis of the results of this survey.
Full report in PDF format
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