Araket 1:
Spatial Planning and Urban Analysis of Non-Legaized New Settlements in Bishkek

Emil Nasritdinov and Talgat Dzhumashev
In the frames of the project titled ACT for Better Life in New Settlments in Kyrgyzstan, we conducted the spatial mapping and urban analysis of 10 novostroikas (new settlements): 7 in Bishkek (Ak-Ordo-2, Ak-Ordo-3, Ala-Too-3, Ak-Zhar, Adilet, Altyn- Kazyk, Dordoi-2) and 3 in Osh (Alay-1, Alay-2, Edelweiss). The focus of this research was on the infrastructure and physical characteristics of urban environments in connection to the well-being of residents living in these settlements. This report presents the results of this urban planning analysis. It first discusses the research methodology, then presents the empirical material and generates conclusions and recommendations. The empirical sections are structured around the analysis of larger clusters of new settlements in two cities followed by individual discussion of all new settlements located in each cluster.
Full report in PDF format
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